I got nice little package in the mail today from Dan Bass, you remember him from the spread we did last week on him. If you didn’t see it click here to view our feature and see some of his great images.
Peninsular Tales is a small, self-xeroxed comic zine that Dan made awhile back. Most of you wouldn’t know this, but I love zines, have a ton of them, and have made three of them myself (stay tuned I’m working on my next one, it’s photography related). This one is very well done, with a heavy stock cover and relatively heavy stock pages. The dialogue varies from very good to excellent and is definitely heavy to the excellent end of the spectrum. The illustrations compliment the text very well and are fantastic. I’m told that the supply is very limited, in fact, there may not be anymore of them left, but If per chance he does release Volume 2, you should try to get a hold of copy. I know I will. You may be able to keep up to speed by book marking Dan’s website called chalkstack. He also sent along two ad cards and a nice photo card with a nice note. Thanks a ton, Dan. See below for a few shots of the zine.
Sorry about the photo quality, I shot them with my Motorola Hint. I was too excited to slow down and take proper pictures.
Always great to see another bleggor emerge! At the very least, a blog is a great way to keep a shop journal. At its best, its a way for you to share, learn, and communicate with others as you hone your craft. Starting a blog was the best thing I ever did for my woodworking. Can’t wait to see where it takes you!
Congratulations Michelle! Would love to see the projects you ctraee from my book! Please feel free to contact me at anytime! And thank you for supporting Create Mixed Media and it’s artist.Kimberly Santiago